Let's Imitate Nature of Prophet Muhammad !
Prophet Muhammad is a figure that is very fascinating figure , polite in speech, to be honest when he spoke all his life , never lie , and noble attitude. Prophet Muhammad has personal integrity is extraordinary . He has a very good character and behavior towards fellow human noble , especially against his people without distinction or blind to social status , skin color , ethnicity, nation or class . He was always doing good to anybody even to bad people or people who are not kind to him .
" Indeed there has been in the ( self ) that the Messenger of Allah a good example for you , ( that is ) for those who expect ( grace ) of God and ( the coming of ) the Day of Resurrection , and Allah much . " [ Al Ahzab 21 ]
Prophet Muhammad has the greatest moral / akhlakul kharimah and traits that are very precious . Therefore, let us study the properties of the Prophet Muhammad as Siddiq , trustful , Fathonah , and Tabligh . Hopefully by understanding the properties , we can emulate the Prophet properties so we also become a noble person .
1 . Siddiq
" And Nor was saying it ( the Qur'an ) according to the willingness of his desires. His remarks were nothing but a revelation revealed to him . " [ An -Najm, 3-4 ]
Siddiq means true / honest . Prophet Muhammad is not only the right words , but also deeds is also true , in line with his words . Different from the majority leader now that only sweet words , but different actions with words .
Prophet Muhammad always true ( honest ) in words . The truth of what is done not only after he was appointed apostle , but long before that , since childhood he never lied . Everything that is spoken by a tendency he never had a personal or private interest or based on personal emotions , but all were spoken by him based on the guidance of revelation from Allah .
Let us emulate the Prophet Muhammad Siddiq nature ! .
2 . Amanah
" I convey to you my Lord mandates and I only reliable advice giver for you . " [ Al A'raf 68 ]
Amanah means completely trustworthy. If a matter submitted to the Prophet , undoubtedly believe that the matter will be implemented as well as possible . That is why Prophet Muhammad , dubbed by residents of Mecca by the title of " Al- Amin " which means reliable .
In the history presented , when the Prophet was offered the kingdom , treasure , woman by the Quraysh that he left his divine duty to broadcast the Islamic religion , he replied : " By Allah ... O uncle , if they can put the sun to my right hand and my left hand a month so I left MY task , then I'm not going to leave until he has won the ( Islamic ) or I bled for you ' . Although Quraish threatened to kill the Prophet Muhammad , but he did not flinch and still carry out the mandate it receives .
Prophet Muhammad always keep the trust to which it aspires . Never use the powers and authority as an Apostle or as leader of the Arab nation for their own interests or the interests of his family , but he made only for the sake of Islam and the teachings of Allah . In a story is told that one of his companions named Abu Talha never give a plot of arable land to him but he did not use the land to go around , but he is looking for relatives of Abu Talha that berkehidupan less feasible and give the land to them , so that the level of their economic rise.
Let us strive to be a trustworthy person ! .
3 . Fathonah
" Indeed, at the expense of collecting it is we ( in the chest ) and ( makes clever ) to read " [ ' Al Qiyaamah 17 ]
Fathonah means intelligent / smart / intellect . In presenting the 6236 and 323 670 verses of the Qur'an without any letters wrong and mistaken none , then explain it in the tens of thousands of hadith , requires extraordinary intelligence . Prophet Muhammad was able to explain the words of the God to his people , so that they would enter into Islam kaffah . Prophet Muhammad was also able to argue with unbelievers in the best possible way .
Prophet is able to set his people so ignorant of the Arab nation and divided and mutually inter- tribal warfare , into a nation of cultured and knowledgeable in a large country , which in the vast European exceed 100 years . It all requires extraordinary intelligence . Intelligence Prophet Muhammad is not only intellectual but also intelligent only in terms of emotional and spiritual .
Let's try to be a smart person ! .
4 . Tabligh
" That He may know that the real apostles have delivered their Lord treatises , being ( actually ) His knowledge includes what is in them , and He counted everything one by one . " [ Al Jin 28 ]
Tabligh means to convey . The words of God addressed to humanity delivered by the Prophet Muhammad , no hidden though it alludes to his own .
" He ( Muhammad ) frowned and turned away ,
because the blind man came to him " [ ' Abasa 1-2 ]
In a history stated that the word of God down as a warning to the Prophet Muhammad Ibn Umm Maktum respect to the blind who came to him and said : " O Messenger of Allah Give guidance to me . " In that time the Prophet Muhammad . is facing the magnifying mushrikeen of Quraish, so he turned away from it and continue to face the magistrates Quraish . Ibn Umm Maktum said : "What I say is disturbing sir ? " Prophet replied : " No. " ( Reported by at - Tirmidhi and al - Hakim were sourced from ' A'isha . Narrated by Ibn Ya'la also sourced from Anas . )
Actually, what the Prophet according to common standards is a natural thing . When speaking in public or with someone , of course we do not like to be interrupted by others . However, for the standard of the Prophet Muhammad , it is not enough . Therefore God admonished . As a missionary activities, although it is insinuating verse , the Prophet remained present it to his people , and it is impossible to hide the revelation of the Prophet Muhammad .
Prophet Muhammad always convey everything that Allah revealed to him, although sometimes there are signs that the substance he quipped as expressed in the letter Abasa . Beliaupun not worried about his reputation would be damaged by the satire of Allah SWT .
Let us emulate the Prophet 's sermons nature ! .
Let these four properties Prophet we implement in our life as the embodiment of our love for our Prophet and piety to Allah SWT . May we be among those who received the title fidunya hasanah wa fil akhiroti hasanah wa qina adzaban nar, amen.
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